Mobius - Welcome To The Happy Club
Liner Notes

All songs composed, written, and arranged by Mobius (Sawran, Schwartz, and Zeshonski) © 1996 Swapping Vomit Music * include Patwardhan.
Original rendition of "
Muzzle" by Patwardhan and Lusby. All instrumentals by Mobius.
All interludes and samples by A.L. Somlo with Mobius.

The Usual Suspects:
W: bass, vocals, backing vocals, rants
Ira: drums, keyboards, backing vocals, vocals
JC: guitars, vocals, backing vocals
Additional vocals and keyboards by A.L. Somlo
Uninvited vocals by our Bovine Dark One, Moocifer, Demon Lord of Cows.
Ira uses a single pedal exclusively because double-pedals are for wimps.

The Dirty Details: Recorded on W's 4-track, heaven help us all.
Mobius - Welcome To The Happy Club
Produced, engineered, and mixed by A.L. Somlo

(may His Greatness guide us all), in Syracuse, NY, within about five days; factor in another bunch for mixing as well.
Artwork and layout by Mobius, Buffalo, NY, 1996.

Where Mobius Resides: Call Ira @ 716-636-8936 or
email for information, booking,
and joining our mailing list.
Visit us on the Web

Mobius Thanks: A.L. for making this tape possible and struggling with our budgetary constraints - it's remarkable what one can do with a 4-track;
Nate "X" for starting the whole thing and giving us vision of what could be - best wishes and good luck in all future endeavors - also for putting up with some ribbing;
Christine and all the staff at The Continental in Buffalo for believing in us when no one else would;
Scott, The Prophet - looking forward to our next album;
Aaron for continuing efforts; Stompbox - the show was cool;
Artvoice, Extreme, and Smash for show listings and pix.

W Thanks: The Prophet, Patti Anne, Brian, Dred X, Jason, Shane, J. Slick, Myron X, Mom, Dad, Bruce, Christine, Stone Kold Cheez, Dan, Steve, Lisa, Brutus, and the rest of my family, Child of Pride, Nurse Brown, Joe and Kindergarden, all the other cool bands we've played with, all the cool bands we have not played with, the head-banging guy, all the fine young (and old) ladies and gentlemen who grace us with your presence at our shows, those who were kind enough to endure all of our noise, all the other people that I somehow forgot to mention, Jesus, Buddha, and Satan (for just being evil).

Ira Thanks: My entire family: Mom and Dad, Robin, Shari, Beth, Mike, Emma, and Stephen; Chet for "saving the day" and reinvigorating us; Al's self-sacrifice for "da' boyz"; Jeff, Gene, Ben, and Sissy for continued friendship and support - especially being there when I needed them most; Mike R. and Mike L. for being great fans; Adriana and Sharon for their love and support (except for the part about driving me crazy) - I miss you; Q.O.F. - it was fun for awhile - your loss - don't blame me, Chet wrote it; Helmet for "Rude"; Biohazard - enjoy Vol. I; Paul and Buffalo Drum Outlet; EAS140 - Tony, Linda, Tom, Todd, and my students; all my housemates; and everyone else, especially those who bought a tape ;-)

JC Thanks: My dad for being an all-around great guy and buying the first obligatory guitar; my father for putting up with my bitch of a mother long enough to knock her up;  Dave and Dave for ignoring the hype and inviting me on board; Doug Bless for being a creative outlet in the Good Old Days TM; Tim & Craig Sutton for all the years, times, pizza, and Pepsi; Beth Malouf for the way-out-there in the way-back-when ...
(c) 1996, 1997 Mobius. All rights reserved.

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